Bradford White Water Heaters

Bradford White Consistently Outperforms All Expectations
Bradford White Corporation is made up of Bradford White Water Heaters, Bradford White—Canada, Laars Heating Systems, and Niles Steel Tank. Each of these companies provides customers with the highest level product and service expertise available. Whether it’s hot water for washing dishes, a large boiler to provide heat and hot water for a hotel, or simply advice on the best product for any application, the companies of Bradford White Corporation give customers exactly what they need.
By building relationships with customers, having a strong dedication to service and satisfaction, providing high quality, and possessing a constant drive to innovate and expand, Bradford White earned a reputation for being a trustworthy source of water heating, space heating, and storage products. Today, Bradford White remains committed to the growth of its family of companies, to the addition of new products, and to offering greater value to all customers.